2. 研究活動
  3. 2020年度テーマ研究Ⅱ|老いを巡るダンスドラマトゥルギー

共同利用・共同研究拠点2020年度劇場実験型プロジェクトテーマ研究Ⅱ 2020年度テーマ研究Ⅱ|

 Director and choreographer in Beijing, Mengfan Wang has worked with diverse bodies of performers. During 2019-2020, Wang has worked with two retired ballet-trained dancers from National Ballet of China in “When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer.” For this meeting, we welcome Wang to talk about this dramaturgy.

Accessible online|
Sun 14:00 – 16:00, January 31. 2021. (Japan Standard Time)
Run Time 120min

Presentation by Mengfan Wang
Mengfan Wang in Conversation with Nanako Nakajima

Free for Participation, Reservation Required
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Sponsored by 2020 Fiscal Year “The Dance Dramaturgy of Aging,” Nanako Nakajima, The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Performing Arts at Kyoto University of the Arts
*This research meeting is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 20H00009.

1990年生まれ、北京拠点のインディペンデントの演出家・振付家。中国とドイツで美術史と舞踊学を学ぶ。2015年より、自らのダンスシアター作品の中で様々なグループの人々と協働し、高齢の女性、子供、引退したバレエダンサーと作品を作る。クリエーションの過程では、ワンは劇場でそのような人々のパフォーマティヴな表現を探す手助けをし、彼らの身体が異なる美学やイデオロギーによって形作られることを理解したいと考えている。ワンの作品はVIE Festival Bologna, 北京フリンジフェスティバル、烏鎮演劇祭に招聘されている。2018年ドイツのダンス雑誌tanzから、奨励賞 (Hoffnungsträger)を受ける。

Wang Mengfan
Born in 1990, Wang Mengfan works as an independent theater director and choreographer in Beijing. She studied History of Art and Dance Studies in China and Germany.Since 2015, Wang has been working with different groups of people in her dance theater projects, including old ladies, children and retired ballet dancers. During the creative process, she wanted to help them explore their own performative expression in the theater and to understand how those bodies were shaped by different aesthetics and ideologies. Her theater works were invited to VIE Festival Bologna, Beijing Fringe Festival, Wuzhen Theater Festival, etc.Wang has conducted artist residencies in Shanghai, Berlin and Copenhagen. She is selected as “Dance Hopeful (Hoffnungsträger)” by German dance magazine tanz in its yearbook 2018.

ドラマトゥルクとして国内外の実験的舞台作品に関わる。2017 年北米ドラマトゥルク協会エリオットヘイズ賞特別賞受賞。ベルリン自由大学ヴァレスカ・ゲルト記念招聘教授2019/20を務め、「ダンスアーカイブボックスベルリン」を上演。2021年夏にピチェ ・クランチェン/ウーカン・チェンとの新作を台北で上演予定。編著に『老いと踊り』、ダンスドラマトゥルギーの単著を執筆中。

Nanako Nakajima
Dr. Nanako Nakajima is a scholar and a pioneer of dance dramaturg. She has been a Valeska Gert Visiting Professor 2019/20, at Freie Universitaet Berlin, and realized “Dance Archive Box Berlin.” Nanako received 2017 Special Commendation of Elliott Hayes Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dramaturgy from the Literary Manager and Dramaturgs of the Americas. Her next dramaturgical work with Pichet Klunchun/Wu-kang Cheng will be premiered in Taipei, 2021. Her publication includes The Aging Body in Dance, and currently she writes her monograph on dance dramaturgy.